immery: What? Clark not obsess about something? <<shock>> Miranda... explained in Part 5.

Laura: Yes, well, Claude's a creep in any dimension.

Michael: Not so many questions, this time. goofy

How did he manage that without college?
Well, Lex Luthor does own the building where MJ's Cafe is located and he wants to build another Luthor Tower...

So, is there hope?
There's always hope.

Bad Inner-Lois. Bad.

But why does Inner-Lois make me believe that deep down beyond the 'blue-collar-guy' Lois actually saw a piece of prime beef she wanted to... grill.
Oh, so you have read ahead. Oh, wait, I don't think I've posted that part yet. blush Never mind.

Clark Kent opens mouth, inserts foot. He forgot to mention that it was one of his daily exercises.

Ahm... Isn't he supposed to try to dig himself *out* of that hole?
... And two...

So she had some money left somewhere? Or did she visit Lex on a ... social call?
Really! She hasn't met Luthor yet. Actually, I'm about to send Part 23 to Beta and I still haven't written it yet. All good things come to those who wait. goofy

So, he's going to be busy then?
No comment. blush

Oh? Planning-Ahead-Clark? What's going on here?
I thought it was only canon Lois who was known for not planning ahead.

I did not see that one coming. Is that why the book store is called Daily Books? Is is in the old Planet building?
Actually when I first started writing I wasn't going to ressurect the DP at all, but then the characters insisted upon working towards that goal. Daily Books is not in the old Daily Planet building. Actually, the name not only as an homage to the DP but also as a pun (is that right use of that word?), a play on the phrase 'Daily Bread'.

shock This world is already messed up. What's Tempus up to now?
Same old. Same old. Messing with L&C lives.

Is he actually a descendent of Lois and Clark? After all, Lois has the same line of argument when it comes to locked doors and lockpicks.
Descendent? No. I had forgotten about Lois's line until you refreshed my memory. I have some vague recollection of Tempus saying something similar, but I could be mistaken.

So, he is just visiting to what the local soap opera? /looks hopefully/
What fun would that be?

Ooops, I sort of managed to forget about this tidbit here. So, what will he do? Will he cause Lois to sleep with Clark?
No. Other people than in canon will become infected.

Or will Tempus and Herb fall in lust. Just like the old Greeks. Okay, it was shameful for the boys to lust after their tutors, only the other way around was okay, but still...
Ah. No. Thank you. But as a classics major I'm very familiar with the liesure activities of the ancient Greeks.

Now I wonder if I should check out Wikipedia. Or is Tempus confused this H.G.Wells with the H.G.Wells from Warehouse 13?
Not familiar with Warehouse 13, but I'm assuming he's different than L&C's Wells. No, when I was researching my ML epic, (LOVE Wikipedia) I discovered that sweet Herb Wells wasn't as gentlemanly as he is in canon. He cheated on his wife and, I think, married his mistress and then, if I remember correctly, cheated on her as well. Sometimes one cannot erase the knowledge one learns. I much prefer canon HG Wells, but I'm assuming Tempus would be the type of man to do his research and throw in the dig where he can.

Does Herb know? And why would he want to expose Tempus to Miranda?
Herb's relationship with the Miranda knowledge will be explained in Part 5.

Jimmy pulled an imaginary knife out of his chest and handed it back to her. “Here. I think you forgot something.”*g*
Thanks for noticing this little moment with Jimmy. I could just picture him doing that.

Fun, but aside from their inside jape during their date, why is Claude comparing Clark to an alien? Is it because Clark's just an uneducated delivery truck driver?
Just a low-life scum Claude is. He was just quoting back Lois's line in jealousy and as a jab at Clark for getting farther with her than he did. Plus, I was curious what Clark's reaction to this line would be. laugh Especially not knowing it's backstory / previous use.

Wow, I made it to the end without accidently backspacing me out of my notes, again. Phew. Glad you are enjoying the story. It's fun to write something silly after the seriousness of Missing Lois.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.