This is for you, Elizabeth. I was going to post it tomorrow night, but seeing it's your birthday ... jump

Happy Birthday. (But I'm not sure it's quite what you wanted peep )

And for you Laura. I hope you've recovered from fainting wink

Evan and Martha reached the gate where Eric had said he would meet them.

Getting through the various security stations of the Air Force Base had been straightforward, and Evan couldn't help but feel grudging respect for Eric Menzies. He had serious contacts.

Martha was looking around in awe, and Evan realised how surreal this must feel to her. She would have thought of the government and its agents as a ruthless enemy who had devastated her life and her family without justification. Now, those same agents were using government facilities to return her home.

Evan turned to see Eric approaching, his stride long and purposeful. After briefly shaking Evan's hand, Eric turned his attention to Martha. "Mrs Kent," he said. "I'm Eric Menzies. I am very pleased to meet you."

"Mr Menzies," she said. "Thank you for arranging my transport home."
Two parts to go. And an epilogue. A *very* long epilogue laugh
