What is going on in this story? Are Clark, Perry, Jimmy and Jack and the Kents the only good people in this universe?

Thank God for telephone interuptus! Whew! That was close, Clark. Putting your physical needs above your moral ones. Tsk-Tsk. Plus, you're being a really bad boyfriend... a good father, but a bad, bad boyfriend.

We already knew Sam Lane was rotten apricot, but at least he's starting to feel bad about the way he treated his daughter (and possibly his grandson). Poor Lucy is a drug addict. Lana's Dad is just as bad as Lex and Sam. (Only good parents here are named Kent.) I'm getting a bad feeling on where the 'super' cloning material came from to make the clone babies. And here I had started out thinking that Lana wasn't going to be a bad seed in this story. Sigh.

I'm ready for Lois to be cleared of her charges and to get together with Clark. I need some happiness for these characters. Badly!

Post again soon.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.