"You still don't remember anything?" Lois asked.

"Nothing personal. Everything I know about my life, you've told me."

"Ah, Clark," she said, full of sympathy.

But it wasn't her sympathy he craved right now. He wanted to connect with her again, to add another strand to the bond between them. To do that, they needed to talk. But about what? "I have an idea," he said as sudden inspiration illuminated his mind.

"You do?"

"How about you choose the question? And then tell me the answer?"


"I've thought of a question you could ask," Lois said.

"OK," Clark said, expecting she would direct him to ask something about his parents.

"You could ask me about your most surprising talent.'"

More surprising than floating? "What is my most surprising talent?" he echoed, trying to prepare himself for another revelation that further stretched the boundaries of believability.
