Clark picked up both of their suitcases, and together they went to the Jeep. The pre-dawn air was chilly. Lois shivered. Clark smiled. Warmth radiated through her.

"Do you need me to navigate?" he asked as he opened the driver's door for her.

She couldn't help recalling the last time they had driven out of Metropolis. It had been dark then, too. Just like now, it had felt like a new beginning. But Clark's shock at having been thrust into the world had seemed like a bleak barrier of separation between them.

Now, the barrier had moved. It was no longer between Clark and the world. Nor between her and Clark. The barrier now was between Clark and his past. "Thanks," she said as they settled into the Jeep. "There's a map in the glove compartment."
Next part will be probably be Tuesday or Wednesday.

Corrina. wave

PS - thanks for the good wishes re my anniversary. smile