Thanks, everyone for the amazing feedback--I'm so glad you all take the time to comment on my story (which, I have to admit, I'm a bit biased about smile ).

I'm glad seeing through Perry's view for the epilogue was okay...I was worried readers would be frustrated they didn't get to see Lois and Clark. I mean, it is their fansite, after all. wink

About another epilogue showing Lois and Clark's reaction to the fact that he won the Peace Prize...well, I'm curious as to why it hasn't been done before. I've read several about the Kerth awards, but none about the Peace Prize he won in Sex, Lies, And Videotape. If anyone else wants to write a story explaining their reactions to the win, I'd love to read it (hint, hint), but I don't see that happening for this story. When I find an ending I like, I hate to let go of it. wink

Incidentally, the story ends in such a way that it can slip right into the next episode in the season--Sex, Lies, And Videotape--which explains all my dark hints about Lois having a fallout from so publicly aligning herself with Superman.

Thanks for mentioning that part about Perry's Clark, IolantheAlias. It sounded so right in my head, but I had a very hard time getting that thought coherently down on paper (or screen, I guess).

Thanks for reading and commenting, Deja Vu. It's nice to know that my editor likes to read my stories even when they're not assigned to her. laugh I'm so glad you liked it after listening to me talk about it so much!

Again (and I'm repeating myself, I know), thanks for leaving such encouraging comments. I'm hard at work on another story already, but this one was especially fun. Thank you!