I have to quote that passage too:

No wonder he held her so tightly and stared at her so long and followed her so closely after any situation where she came so near to the end. No wonder he had been so thoroughly terrified of his own helplessness and her mortality that he had once been led to separate himself from her.
Because he knows, all to well, how fragile a human life actually is. Because he knows the bitter truth that he is so much stronger and invulnerable than Lois. Because at any moment, her life could be snuffed out. How does he dare to love?

"What matters are the moments--moments of happiness and bliss and contentment and friendship and passion. Even the moments of danger and fear and all-consuming relief. All of those combined compose our life, and taken altogether they're beautiful. Perfect. Each moment with you is a miracle."
Wow. You definitely win the award for Most Poetic Writer. This is so well written.

And I loved the pillow fight!