You posted! I loved the changes that you made to this part and still love, love, LOVE Angry!Clark. All the times he remembers Lois calling for help or crying out in pain -- and there are plenty of examples in the first couple of seasons -- are such great fodder for his tired mind and waning control. Clark makes such a great tormented soul, doesn't he?

I've already given you comments, but a couple of my favorite bits...
Clark flashed her one of his mega-watt grins. "Hydrologically speaking, yes, they are."
I must be channeling Lois because this statement really made me want to roll my eyes.

"He lingers."


"I did some research. There's all sorts of video out there of Superman rescuing people. He's always very polite with them and, as soon as he sets them down, he stops touching them. With me he lingers. His hand stays on my waist or my arm or shoulder. I’m pretty sure he holds me closer than most people when he's flying with me, too. There's something there, Clark. I swear I'm not making this up."

Clark cleared his throat softly. "I didn't know he did that."
I love so much in the flashback, but this part made me want to bow and scrape. Lois doesn't let her feelings rule completely, she investigated to make sure that she wasn't imagining things. And I love Clark's response. Since we're in on the secret, that little throat clearing says soooo much.

I also like how Lois always ends up confiding in Clark and realizes so quickly that he can be trusted - a man she just met and claims to despise. Afterward, I loved seeing Lois put all the pieces together, not only that Clark's Superman, but that he was going to tell her his secret.
He couldn't confront Sadler as Superman, especially not if there was a chance that Lois was still alive. He couldn't risk giving anyone proof that Lois was special to Superman.
Here I cheered either Bobby for being the voice of reason -- or that lone, functioning brain cell. Whichever.

Sadler is a piece of work, so I wasn't sorry at all when Clark decked him. I also cheered when he double-crossed him and tied him to the radiator before calling the police. Good riddance!

It looked like a small bomb had gone off. There were hundreds of splinters of wood, a couple of pieces of popcorn, a woman's wristwatch, and a hole that looked like it was the right size for Lois slip through.

After a moment of stunned surprise, Clark couldn't help laughing in exhausted relief. Lois had escaped. Sadler had no idea who he was messing with. If anyone could free themselves from a locked train car on sheer dint of will, it was Lois Lane.
This made me laugh. Poor, poor Clark. After being tormented by Sadler and then being sure that the lack of a heartbeat meant she was dead, I can just see him disheveled and unshaven in the superman suit, doubled over in exhausted laughter that she dug her way out of a locked rail car.

Nice job. I can't wait to see more.