I’d give anything to have my superhearing back
Oh, alt-Clark, alt-Clark, alt-Clark, haven't you learned yet not to use that phrase? wink

It should be me in the Suit. It should be me getting ready to save the world.
Let's hope that while he is in "our" world, a Nightfall equivalent isn't heading toward *his* world!

Have I been able to make a difference just as he has? I hope so.
This brings to my mind some lines from Robert Burns' To a Louse:
O wad some Pow'r the giftie gie us
To see oursels as others see us!
Alt-Clark is (sort of) being given that gift. "Sort of" since, as he recognizes, the opinions are of "our" Clark.

“Lois, he’s Superman,”
I love your entire revelation scene. It rings true.

Have I mentioned lately how much I am enjoying this story? I don't see how it can be wrapped up in only one more part, but I have every confidence that you'll manage it.
