I am wondering how Lex determined that Linda King was Lois Lane.
I went over this in an earlier part -- Lex knew Lois was working for him, and knew her real identity from the start -- he played ignorance about it to his advantage.

Thanks for the comments antiKryptonite! smile

Darth Michael
And how did Jon manage to get a job as an FBI agent? He could turn state's evidence, but why would they ever hand him a badge?
I went round on this with my betas. I don't know a lot about intel jobs, so the NIA maybe would have been a better choice.
But I did have Jon clarify here:
the FBI provisionally hired me as a double agent to finish trapping Luthor. I was promised immunity if I could get this job done, proving myself, as it were.”
He's not officially working for them, but he's working WITH them, with the possibility of more if he could do this job.

And now with just one part left and Lex hanging out there to dry, will he drop the bomb on Lois and reveal her own secrets. No matter what, this should easily discredit her, if nothing else. And even if most people wouldn't believe it with just Lex telling and Jon denying, I'm sure the other papers would have the time to investigate if it means a chance to get rid of the competition.
I didn't see that loophole... this story would have to go a few more chapters if it did... suffice to say, Jon got Lois' slate wiped clean -- so unless Lex had proof -- she's Scot free. laugh Unless I did a sequel...

Posting the end soon laugh -- hold that thought -- I think I may wait until tomorrow. I was out of town this weekend and want to put a few finishing touches on the final part that my brain can't seem to deal with right now. :p But I'll have it done by tomorrow morning, promise!

Reach for the moon, for even if you fail, you'll still land among the stars... and who knows? Maybe you'll meet Superman along the way. wink