Well, we are almost there. My plan is to post the final part later today.

Naturally I couldn’t wrap this up without finding a way for Clark to be an active participant, even though this is fundamentally a Lois story.

The soul mates intro was taken from a WIP I’ve had for over two years. There are actually a collection of stories I have in mind that are based on K and L who are the higher-lever spirits that, at this time and place, are Clark and Lois. The problem I have is that while I think some of the elements of these stories are interesting, I haven’t found the thread to make them engaging. So they remain unwritten. Except now, for one little peek. smile

Love your story and look forward to your wrap-up of the loose ends, although sorry to see it end! Any sequels in your future?
Thank you. As for anything to follow, well, see how you feel after the last part.

Yes, they have leads. However, I have every confidence that Lois’s team, especially with the addition of Clark, would have gotten the goods anyway. It just might have taken a little longer.

I had originally planned this big scene of Lois and Clark in the hospital after he woke up. Then I realized that if he did wake up, and he was all healthy, he’d want to make sure his parents know as quickly as possible. So, he just got up and left. (Note to self : I guess it was a good thing that his suit had been patched and was in his room.)

I’m so glad you enjoyed the otherworld soul mates scene. As I said above, that was something from another work. I thought it would be fun to include as a not-really-a-dream sequence. You are of course correct, K and L have access to FAR more information than Clark and Lois.

Thank you all so much for taking the time to write. Because of my own struggles and time constraints this past year, I have fallen off in providing feedback myself. Thant makes me appreciate even more those of you who make the time to do that.
