Hi everyone. I had a good weekend and finished the rough draft of the final scene last night. I expect that the last three parts will come on a faster schedule than I've used so far.

Hi Laura:
I loved the ending with Martha and Lois.
Thanks. I love the Martha/Lois chemistry.

Hopefully Lois can get him some sun
I didn’t think that was ever established in S1. In “Man of Steel Bars” there was a lot of speculation about the sun and Superman’s powers, but I thought even Clark didn’t know if there was a connection.

Hi Ann:
I’m glad you enjoyed the A-plot. That was one of my goals with this story. I felt like I had gotten into a B-plot rut and I wanted to see if I still know how to write A-plot.
I love the smart, determined Lois
Me too!! smile1

The Boss is risking overplaying his hand. With all the things that Lex did, I was always surprised that he didn’t get caught sooner.

Now is this season 1 Jimmy or the other one?
I always use S2 – S4 Jimmy as my “reference” Jimmy Olsen. That is the case for all my stories even if like this one they are set in S1.

Hope you'll show us more of their romance. Even if it's just a substitute for LnC interacting.
jawdrop Ummm… In the immortal words of Angelica Graynamore: I have no response to that.

First, thank you again for the typo heads-up. Next, about this:
Don't the Kents at least know of a sunlight connection to Clark's powers and possibly help to his healing??
As I said above, I don’t know of any place in S1 where the Kents or anyone else knew of a definitive connection between Superman’s powers and the sun. If you (or anyone else) know of a scene that establishes this connection (not speculates about it) then I’d love to know.

Thank you all,