Good news. I finished the very rough cut of the story last night. I even added a mostly ceremonial “The End”. I still don’t have the chapter count because I need to see if chapter 14 will need to be split. I think it will end up being 15 but it could come in at 14.

And although I'm sure Tank is wincing at the mention of "James Olson", I'm glad that Lois is pimping him to Petersen (I like him a lot, btw).
The funny part is that generally I’m not a huge Jimmy fan myself. But as a computer research resource, he can come in handy.

Bill, put that K in a safer place than your top secret safe that everyone knows about! Please!) Okay, how soon will that K disappear?
He was warned… hyper (Which generally does not bode well for L-man. smile )

And I'm shocked, shocked that there's gambling going on at Rick's Casino.
Bev and I both laughed at that. We love Casablanca. I wasn’t deliberately echoing Claude Rains, but I certainly might have been in the back of my mind.

Semi-Unrelated Trivia: Claude Rains played the lead in one of the very worst SciFi movies ever made, Battle of the Worlds (I actually own a copy. I have a weakness for REALLY bad SciFi movies.) Before my son left home, I used to regularly threaten him with having to watch it. (That was NOT the reason he left. He went to college. smile )

Thanks everyone. I’ll have chapter 11 up in a few days.