We are moving forward. I was able to spend some non-trivial time working on the story this past weekend so I think I can keep up the posting schedule of roughly every 6 days. I wish I could go faster but that just hasn’t been in the cards this time.

One note: Did anyone notice the reference to the guy who was his own mother and father? That’s from Robert Heinlein’s classic (and somewhat dark) All You Zombies

Re: Lois’s confusion coming out of anesthesia. I used to work in a hospital and some patients were very confused when they first woke up. A lot depended on the individual. Most of the nurses I knew didn’t think twice about any odd thing a patient might say. At least, that’s how I remember it. (It was a LONG time ago.)

Re: Kryptonite: I have an explanation for exactly what happened but for now all I can say if RAFO. smile

You know, when I finished this chapter, it was so much less of a cliffhanger than Ch. 7 that I never noticed. Sorry about that. Ch. 9 should be along before too long.

Thanks. And fuzzy thinking can certainly be dangerous.

Sorry about the time sequence confusion. The correct sequence was that Lex watched it all straight through in real time and then went back and re-watched the more – enjoyable parts (for Lex anyway) – at his leisure. Remember that there were several hours between the shooting and the scene with Mrs. Cox. He had time to absorb the news of Lois getting shot but still enjoy the Superman sequence. I’ll need to clean this up before the story gets archived.

As for the delay, a quick retribution would lessen the blow. A properly timed response is the pain that keeps on giving. As for looking like there was no response from the Boss, in the end, a delayed act is very effective. Anyone thinking to cross the Boss would always be looking over the shoulder knowing that just because there was not an immediate reply didn’t mean that one wasn’t coming.

Thank you. It won’t be too long.

Dr. Klein. Hmmm. :rolleyes:

Hi, Gwen. Welcome to the boards. I hope you find lots here to enjoy. Thank you for leaving a note and I’m glad you are enjoying the story.
