Her dad reached for her left hand and rested his thumb on her third finger.

Lois understood immediately. "Marriage?" she said.

He blinked once.

Lois didn't have to think about her answer. "That is what I want, Dad. This is serious. This is forever. I want to marry him."

The right side of her dad's mouth twitched - the closest thing she had seen to a smile since his stroke.

"It might take some time. He's been through some difficult times. His father died recently."

Her dad stared at her with eyes that seemed full of concern.

Lois rose from her seat and hugged him. "Thanks for understanding," she said. "Thanks for being my dad."

From Lois's bag came the shrill of her cell phone. She unfolded from the embrace and smiled an apology as she took her cell from her bag. Her heart dived when she saw that the call was from Scardino.


ETA - In case you've lost the timeframe, it's Thursday evening. smile