Hi Bob:
That is a totally great picture. I'll add it to Chapter 1! Thanks so much.
Actually, the story sequence is a simple one. If a part is number x.5, it has an nfic companion on the nfic board. The x.5 parts are meant to be interludes between the A-plot action. The part is the same on both the general and the nfic boards, except, of course the sex is more explicit on the nfic side. In the general story, the sex is there, but it is implied. At least, that's the plan. How well I've executed it may be in question,though.

The plan is to send the x.5 parts from the general board integrated into the whole story to the Archive (after some editing on my part and, sad to say, elimination of the pictures).

The other part of the plan, of course, is to use the x.5 chapters from the nfic side in the story sent to the nfic Archive. There will probably be more smoothing needed there too.

So far (and probably totally)the nfic chapters are 8.5, 10.5, 13.5 and 16.5. Read those instead of the gfic chapters and you have the nfic version.

Hope this helps.
cool Artemis

History is easy once you've lived it. - Duncan MacLeod
Writing history is easy once you've lived it. - Artemis