Wow! So much feedback. dance I’m dancing the happy feedback dance. (When I’m not writing that is. Must find end of story!)

One note about where this came from. I get frustrated at Clark claiming to love Lois in this episode but not being willing to take a real risk to save her. Because of what Superman knows about Lex, Clark knows that if Lois were to marry Lex, at best she would me miserable. At worst, it would destroy here. If Clark really loves Lois then no price is too high to pay for her well being. He’s not angry, he’s despondent and determined. He knows that there is a chance that she will run to Lex (or go after her Pulitzer) with the information he’s giving her. I’m sure he hopes that won’t be the case, but he can’t be sure. What he is doing is giving up his life as Clark to give her the best chance for happiness.

Thanks for dropping me a note. I understand not wanting to commit to a story without a better feel for time and length. For the record, as of this morning, there are 5 parts with about 14K words and I think I’m more than half-way through. The number of parts may change because I’m not 100% sure of the break-points yet so I keep re-cutting the story. Unless something changes drastically alone the way, this will not be an epic. I’m glad you enjoyed the muse side.

Thank you for the note. As for what comes next, well, you’ll have to wait and see. I promise it won’t be too long for the next part. As for Clark staying or leaving, it’s not that he doesn’t want to be in Metropolis or be Superman anymore. If Lois goes public or to Lex with the information he’s giving her, it will be impossible to stay. Clark has very few things left that he hasn’t tried already and failed. He has to convince her of the seriousness of the situation. He is now playing the last card in his hand.

Holy Sh*t Bob! That is quite a start. What a bombshell to drop on us before Christmas!
LOL indeed! The funny part is that was pretty much reaction when I wrote it. Most of this year I have been suffering from severe writers block. I decided to force the issue so I grabbed an idea and started writing. When the idea ran its course, I looked it over and my own reaction was along the lines of, “What the @#$% is this?” I’ve been trying to figure out what to do with this ever since.

Yes this is a darker side of Clark. Not angry, just despondent and utterly committed to doing everything to save Lois. He sees this as a sacrificial move but one forced on him by necessity.

I’m glad you liked the exit. As for what Lois may get or what she deserves… Well, it won’t be too long before you know. But not now. :-)

Thanks. I’m chasing my must with all my might.

I think if you consider the guidance that I have provided above, you have a good shot at the answer to your question.

Thanks for the note. I have been able to develop some momentum with this story and I am cautiously optimistic that I may be able to improve on my stated posting schedule. And thanks for the muse report. That explains why I’ve twice found him in the gutter one block down from the Ace of Clubs. If I get desperate I may be forced t ask my Sicilian relatives to have a talk with the bartender and suggest that he may find better prospects elsewhere. I’ve met the guy. My muse may not be a prime catch but he’ll treat the singer better than that bartender.

Yeah. Like I said above, Clark drives me crazy. If he really loves Lois, he should be more willing to put everything on the line for her benefit. In the regular episode he’s too caught up in what he wants and isn’t thinking aobut the woman he claims to love.

Thank you so much.

Lois was in a very bad place. I’ve never understood why she wasn’t harder on herself when the truth finally came out about Lex. She missed so much and so many people suffered as a result. Good grief, this all started with her trying to get the definitive Luthor interview. She never got it but never noticed.

I’m glad you liked the title. The truth is that when I picked that title I didn’t know where the story was going. I was thinking “free”, but free can mean many things. You can be free to reach for the stars of free to destroy yourself. Lois needs to decide how to use the freedom that Clark has just offered her.

I assure you that I am going as fast as I can. Part of the reason for posting part 1 was to light a fire and make sure I get going. I’m glad you liked the end.

I guess I’d argue that Clark has had his say. I think things are up to Lois now. The muse side-short was fun. I’m glad you enjoyed it.

Thanks for the note. I will post more as soon as it’s ready.

Again, thank you all so much. I promise that I’m going to do my best to keep this from dragging on too long.