As soon as Lois stepped out of his prison, Clark moved away from the door.

He'd said the scariest three words in his vocabulary.

I'm an alien.

The three words that had haunted him before his capture and condemned him since.

But Lois ...

Lois hadn't recoiled. She hadn't flinched. She hadn't bombarded him with a million questions.

She'd probably suspected before his admission. They would have told her. But even so, her reaction to his bald statement confirmed what he already knew.

Lois was a truly amazing woman.

Her easy acceptance reached deep inside him and squarely confronted all of the hate, and the animosity, and the suspicion, and the fear. And in the face of her support, all of their repugnance crumpled to insignificance.

He could stand against the hostility of the whole world if she were standing beside him.
