Mr Kent had finished his lunch. He brushed his teeth and used water from his bottle to wash his face and hands. He even tried to finger-comb his hair but gave up when it became obvious that he was achieving very little.

It was almost as if he were preparing for company.

He couldn't be expecting her ... surely.

Once he'd finished his 'preparations', he went to his place against the back wall and continued with the crossword puzzle.

Lois filled her lungs and slowly released the air.

She felt good.


"Let's do it, King," she muttered as she locked her office door. When she reached the bottom of the stairs, she checked that the external door was locked.

Then she went to the cell door, unlocked it, and pushed it open. She dragged a chair into the doorway to ensure that it couldn't shut and lock.

Then she stepped into the cell.
