So funny, Shayne! And so good to see you back here. And so good that the fic was a vignette.

Let's see if I got this straight, though - Clark wears his supersuit under his Clark Kent clothes, but he can't fit his cape and boots under his dress shirt and elegant shoes.I remember someone musing on the double identity of Superman/Clark Kent, and this person asked himself: How does Clark Kent wear boots under his shoes? How indeed. I guess you answered the question, Shayne. He doesn't. He flies to the nearest supersuit stash and puts on the red and red, namely the cape and the boots. And then he flies back to the same hiding place to retrieve his Clark Kent clothes and shoes when he is done as Superman?

Great fic, and so good to have you back! By the way, I was giggling at this:

“Don’t tell me…Martians are real. Atlantis, mer-people, cities with talking gorillas…”
Ha! Well, Terry just wrote a fic where Lois had a violent run-in with Diana from Atlantis!

But Gallifrey... I have no idea what that is, I'm afraid.
