Thanks for the FDK love!

Female Hawk:
there's something kind of 'awww' about Superman protecting a little plant.
Yeah, that was why I gave it that title. No job too small for Superman. wink (I'm still catching up on 'Aussie Rules', btw...and I'm enthralled by your latest fic! When do we get the next part??)

p.s., Any time you want to post anything -- be it a silly vignette like this or something longer, you have a pair of eager eyes awaiting you! [Smile]
Thanks for the vote of confidence! smile

Sue S.:
Congrats on picking a very original idea and executing it perfectly!
*Blushes from praise* And from one of my favorite authors, too! smile Thanks!!

It's interesting to me that many of you found it really funny. I didn't intend it to be humorous per se, but maybe just a bit sentimental. Either way, I'm glad you all enjoyed it!

Reach for the moon, for even if you fail, you'll still land among the stars... and who knows? Maybe you'll meet Superman along the way. wink