Well, that's all FoLCs (except for the Epilogue!)

Some thank yous ...

To Deja Vu - great beta job, DJV. Thanks for patiently explaining stuff about grammar that must have been taught on days when I wasn't at school wink . Thanks also for your constant enthusiasm and great suggestions.

To Lynn - you always managed to find something that everyone else missed! Thanks for 'listening' to me when parts wouldn't come together properly, and for your never-flagging encouragement.

To everyone who read the fic - WOW! I'm honoured that you took the time to read a fic that seemed like it was never going to end. Thanks to everyone who left FDK - it kept me writing AR when my muse wanted to go chasing other ideas.

I looked for a suitable preview of the Epilogue, but anything I post will give too much away. However, I'll try to get the Epilogue posted quickly.

