Oh My! Loisette really landed in a pickle in this installment.

She frowned to herself. Had he *expected* her to return so quickly? Or had he just told Mishal to wait until she returned? Or was she simply reading too much into it? Her paranoia only seemed to be increasing.
You know, if your paranoia is increasing you should listen to that voice. Hopefully she continues to listen to it throughout the rest of the chapters.

She left the throne room bogged down in such thoughts, and as she traversed the halls to go to her chamber, she noticed there were a lot of guards patrolling the castle. It made her feel ill at ease.
Paranoia, lots of guards, restricted freedoms.... leads to one thing= Tempos is evil and Clarkent is right smile though we all know she will never admit it. smirk

She had always wanted a pegasus, and now, in a way, she was to become one. Just as the flying horse symbolized the royal line, so would she symbolize the fortitude of her people. And if Clarkent’s face happened to pop up in her mind’s eye whenever she thought about the necklace, well, that was just unfortunate. The reason she was wearing it had nothing to do with him.
Right Loisette, you just keep telling yourself that. Loved that segment in the story. Typical Loisette theology to justify not addressing her feelings.

She also needs to learn to sleuth better when following people down dark, secert passages. Especially if it is Tempos who is evil and not to be trusted.

Hmmm... How high up is the window of Loisette's room? Can she escape or better yet, call to James and send for help! Can Loisette go in as Queen and come out as Gawain?

Hmmm... Can't wait till the next part! hyper