I read this paragraph ...

"Clark," she said brokenly, touching his 'S' on his chest, leaving the significance of recognition of both of his personae unspoken. It didn’t matter to her that he hadn’t told her the truth before. She had thought never to see him again, and any recriminations she may have had, at that moment seemed insignificant.
And said, "Aww!"

And then this one followed ...

Clark leaned in about to kiss her, but hesitated a moment with a question in his eyes. She answered it by immediately closing the distance between them. She was through with pretention about her feelings for him, their feelings for each other; having nearly lost him, she knew that she loved him and would do anything for him, Superman or not.
And I said, "AWW!!"

Touching, romantic reunion. smile

And now Clark is off to get Lex ... let's hope he's in time.
