I've just found out how hard it is to leave fdk when you already know what happens next...
It's also hard to FDK-FDK when you know what's coming!

From 64 ... re cutting off Lois just as she was about to tell Clark about the wedding. I wasn't trying to be evil as such, I just didn't want to explain what would happen, and then have to find fresh ways to describe the wedding when it actually happened.

Why doesn't Lois just force the conversation on him?
Because, at that point, she didn't have any ideas for how to achieve what they both wanted. She was still emotionally wrung-out from the meeting - it's generally not a good idea to force communication on someone when emotions are already running high.

Ok, so I might be a little off here, but his comparison of Hawthorne and Metropolis seems uneven and a little unfair. I know it won't be a point, but as Lois a few parts back broought up, he still asumes she should move and that her ties to Melbourne are not as strong as his to Metropolis. And -Superman aside- I don't think that is the case. So he's not really considering moving to Australia, while she is only saying that she can't move to the States just yet.
You're not off ... but their thought patterns are a little (deliberately so). When two people are trying to make a big decision that will affect both of them, the path isn't usually straight or logical. One person might say something one day, and be more unsure of their feelings the next. Clark has just witnessed Lois and her ties to Hawthorn - perhaps he's feeling a bit homesick. Perhaps in seeing all she would have to give up in order to move to Metropolis, he's also realising that he would have to give up a lot if he moved to Melbourne ... and by extension, he's suddenly not sure he wants to do that.

Thanks for the thoughts re Perry and Browny. At times, I wondered if I got them too close.
