Plain Jane-- Having Loisette recognize Clarkent when they danced would be too easy. laugh I gotta make it a little tougher than that!! Hehehe.

Yeah, I definitely wanted Loisette to get that necklace!

As for the next chapter, well, I think you're going to be surprised about what happens. laugh

Kathy-- I'm glad you liked the ball descriptions! I'm generally bad at setting up scenes, but I did have fun with this one.

And, yeah, Loisette doesn't seem terribly fond of Alexander, does she? Buuuut that doesn't mean she's in the clear!

Michael-- Hahaha. The red-gold couple. That would've been depressing, wouldn't it have?

The lost necklace actually reminded me of the gender-switched Cinderella shoe with Loisette now trying to find the knight who lost the necklace
All right. You caught me! When I first mentioned the masquerade idea to DW, one of the things I said was "Clark as a male Cinderella." I was trying to figure out ways to incorporate different fairytales, and I'm rather glad that one stuck. smile And as for Clarkent wincing, well, this indeed isn't the first time Loisette has seen him do so.

Iolanthe-- Yeah, I wanted her to have the necklace as well. Would kinda stink if it disappeared into oblivion, heh.


Many thanks to all for the feedback!!!
