Oh, how traumatic, for both of them. Your point about Loisette growing up in that moment is well taken, and as awful as it is, it's probably best for a queen to recognize that "adventures" can have consequences and that she needs to think of the greater good rather than just of her own desires. But it was a very heartbreaking way to get her to that point, and I worry that it might change her -- and her relationship with Clarkent -- forever.

And for Clarkent, too, it was a horrible ordeal. With his experience as the Black Knight, it wasn't his first time dealing with death and fighting, but I'm sure this one felt a lot more personal to him since he didn't have his armor to protect him and he knew the victim so well. At least it was Gawain who begged him to put Penelope out of her misery ... if he had made that decision himself, I worry that she might not have forgiven him for it.

I'm glad that Dwayne was perceptive enough to protect Clarkent over the horse's death. Can you imagine if the Regent had gotten word of their adventure? I don't think it would have been Clarkent's job that was in danger -- I think the Regent would have found the perfect excuse to lock him up and/or kill him. He'll be safer once Loisette is queen ... assuming, of course, that Alexander doesn't con her into marrying him.

So tomorrow is the Princess's birthday ball, right? I'm eager to see how it goes!
