That was HYSTERICAL! I laughed out loud and startled my dog!

"Yes, Gramps, I know you punched Hitler in the face!"

Has to be a reference to the WW2 comics. Funny.

He doesn't know Grandma's maiden name off the top of his head? Why should he?

This was great! I love the one-sided phone conversation going on here. And I love the way it encompasses three generations of super-men. It appears that this Clark has not yet picked up the red-and-blue-and-yellow mantle, but apparently Wells is going to try to get him to do exactly that.

Where - or, more precisely, when - does Wells want to take Clark? Why wouldn't Dad give him more specific advice than this? Who the heck is Trish? And does she know any part of "The Secret?" Is she going too, or is Wells going to try to hook Clark up with some other Lois?

I wonder if he's his own grandfather? Nah, that's just too weird even for me.

Or - is it?

Love it, Queenie! It made my day. Thanks. And don't change a word, you hear?

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing