Sorry I didn't respond to part 3, but I enjoyed that part as well as this.

She owed him the chance, after all. He had brought her back to life!
Never mind the fact that he was the one to take her life to begin with...

It had been over a week, and for a man who was used to embracing clouds, the tiny cell was hard to deal with.
Nicely put!

Henderson looked him dead in the eye. "I think *you're* Superman."
Aha! I figured Henderson would twig on to that sooner rather than later.

"Well, you were awfully ill when I arrested you. Yet you've made a marvelous recovery with no medical treatment, and all of your scrapes and bruises have healed in record time."
That is pretty strong, albeit circumstantial, evidence.

"Dammit, Kent!" he said, slamming his fist on the table. "I'm trying to help you! Don't *lie* to me. I won't tell anyone."
What a perfect, in-character, reaction.

Clark looked into Henderson's eyes. "Yes. I'm--I'm Superman."
Henderson better be glad he's not a villain; otherwise, Clark's confession would guarantee that he'd be dead by the end of the story just as much as a red shirt would guarantee a security guard's death in Star Trek.

Henderson shook his hand, “But be careful out there, Superman. I think Luthor stole back the Kryptonite.”
Interesting that Henderson is calling Clark Superman even though he is out of the Suit. Does that mean that the inspector thinks that the Clark Kent persona is just a disguise, with the "real" persona being Superman?

Thanks for posting part four so soon. Now I'm awaiting part five. smile
