Ok, so I was sure Mayson was going to die... but this was so far better than that option, because it lead to some great interaction both between Clark and Perry and then between Clark and Lois. For a second I almost thought Perry knew CK is Superman. He seemed to sense so clearly what the younger reporter was feeling.

As for the scene at Lois's apartment, I simply loved it. Loved how Lois asked him to smile for her. This bit is what really stood out for me:

"*Listen* to me, Kent," Lois said, roughly backhanding her tears away. "I need you now. Right now, I need stuff from you ... and you're not giving it to me."

He swallowed. "What do you need?"

"I need you to smile."

His jaw dropped. "Lois ..."

"You have all those super-impressive abilities, but you've never realised that, for me, your most powerful power is your smile. It rights my world. It puts the pieces of my life back together when they've crumbled. It reaffirms that everything will be OK." She looked at him and offered a wobbly smile. "I love you, Clark."
I'm very very curious as to whether Clark will follow Perry's suggestion and actually go back to Metropolis married to Lois. And also really not sure if you're bringing the hottest team in town to Metropolis or the hottest superhero to Melbourne.

Keep 'em coming smile
