Kathy-- Yeah, Tempos doesn't know the meaning of fighting fair! And when you're not invulnerable, it definitely can be best to run away sometimes.

Michael-- Tempos, in his pride, definitely underestimated Clarkent, who is constantly either doing manual labor or practicing various knightly skills (as opposed to Tempos, who does a lot more scheming and sitting). Though he's the royal champion, that doesn't mean Tempos is actually a wonderful jouster (imagine what would happen to any knight who beat him and thereby ticked off both Tempos and Alexander).

As for what would have happened if Clarkent had stuck around and all, well, you can just let your imagination run wild! smile Could have gone different ways, I think. But I'd say Tempos intended to either utterly humiliate him or kill him.

Amy-- Hahah. Yes, Clarkent definitely needed to make a tactical retreat in this instance! laugh And I am very glad to hear you love the story and the fairytale references.

I wonder if the war with the Barbarian Kindom to restore Clarkent to his rightful place on their throne will be a part of this story or a sequel.
Let's just say I don't intend to write a sequel, heh. And as for Clarkent's gift and Loisette getting a clue, well, a whole lot happens in a short period of time in the next several chapters. laugh

Tank (who thinks Clarkent better hurry back to the stable so he can pretend his injury is due to an accident with a hay fork)
Hahaha. You know those clumsy stableboys. Always falling down onto sharp objects...


Thanks for the feedback, everyone!

Deja Vu