Michael-- Pwahaha. Loved your translation of that scene. laugh And alas, there will be no cameo of Larry!

PS: Loving the new posting schedule commitment.
Commitment? I've made a commitment? *looks around* Oh, no! wink All right, so I am trying! laugh

Kathy-- Yep, I was going to the Rapunzel thing. Her mother craved "rapunzel" from the witch's garden, and (as you noted) the husband stole it and got caught, and they had to give up the baby. Just changed it to pumpkins since that also has echoes of Cinderella.

As for the Clarkent/Gawain relationship, with Gawain's penchant for danger and recklessness, I think Clarkent feels he has to watch out for that (as he doesn't like people to get hurt). Guess it does kinda get tricky since they're friends and getting older.

LOL, of course it is. And since they are just two young guys hanging out together, there is absolutely nothing stopping them from stripping down to go swimming ...
Hahahaha. Nothing at all!! laugh


Thanks for the feedback, you two!
