Well, you promised dark and gritty, and that's what you're giving us. I have, of course, some questions and some speculations.

What happened to the thugs Clark and Lois fought? Did they leave with Luthor or did they sneak away by themselves? And when will Henderson find evidence that they were there?

What happened to Lois' camera? Who has it now?

Will Henderson start looking for "the dead man" Luthor? Will he even believe Clark when he says that Luthor's alive?

Will Lois be resurrected the same way Luthor was? Is that why he wasn't all that devastated by her apparent death? Was that his backup plan all along?

Will Henderson compare the blood loss at the scene to the lack of blood on Clark's clothes and have forensic evidence that Clark didn't stab Lois?

Will Henderson trace the knife back to either the manufacturer or the purchaser? And just who bought it, one of the anonymous thugs?

Will Clark work past his horror and his loss to help find Luthor? Will he be tempted to make a deal with the devil (Luthor) to bring Lois back to life?

Good start. I'm very interested to see where this goes. Post again soon!

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing