She’d heard stories about him from some Nobles at court. They said he was terrorizing the countryside, attacking and robbing anyone who got into his way. *He* must have been the one who had upset the dragon, and that infuriated her. Others shouldn’t have to pay the price for one man’s foolishness.
Ohhh, I see where you're going with it. And that makes sense, that she would believe that the Black Knight is a villain, given that her news of the kingdom would be filtered through Alexander.

Hopefully Clarkent will be able to set her (or at least Gawain) straight eventually about what the Black Knight is actually doing!

Daily postings would be great right about now, you know. wink You clearly have a much more relaxed attitude about your stories than I ever did about mine. I can't even imagine forgetting to post a new chapter -- I was always champing at the bit to get feedback and had to hold myself back from posting the whole thing at once. Every other day postings were as long as I could wait to put up a new chapter.
