Michael-- That's a great image of Phantom (s)nickering at Clarkent’s humorous failures! I will put a note in my document and think about putting something like that in whenever I try to prep the story for the archive (which may, admittedly, take a while to happen). As for how much time has passed, well, I don’t have a specific number--less than a year, definitely, but enough time for a bit of training and for word about the Black Knight to get around.

I expected Gawain, not the princess.
I thought about that, but the princess works better for my purposes. smile And I think it makes Clarkent’s reaction more extreme!

Hmm... actually, did she come for the dragon or to see the Black Knight? And will she fawn over him? After all, nobody knows how the Black Knight looks underneath his armor. He might not be a stately Barbarian Crown Prince after all.
*grin* I bet you might be surprised by her reaction.

But I've got a great idea: Daily posting makes it easy to remember to post, since it's... well... a daily occurrence goofy
LOL. Why, thank you! I gotta admit…I was pretty pumped at the idea of having a dragon in my story! I love them!

Did you have as much fun writing this chapter as I had reading it?
Hahaha. laugh I am glad to hear that! And, yeah, it was fun!

I had a grin on my face from the moment I figured out who "Jacques" was (and he was a petty thief, ha!) and realized the Black Knight was going to save him ... and it only got bigger the further I read.
Hurrah! I thought Jack fit the role perfectly--I needed a thief who was also a good guy…and he fit the bill!!

I've always thought Wayne knew more than he let on, so I like that Dwayne plays the same role here.
Yeah, I always felt he did, too. I mean, with all that went on, he’d have to be actively ignoring things to not pick up that something major was going on!

(But poor Esroh Repus; I was sure he was destined to become the Black Knight's faithful steed. I wonder how he feels about being relegated to sidekick status? wink )
I did consider having Esroh Repus fill that role--but I think it would be pretty obvious to certain people that Esroh Repus was from the royal stables, and it would have been suspicious for the horse to be disappearing all the time with Clarkent.


Thanks for the great feedback, you two! laugh

Deja Vu