ML, I'm so mad at you for separating Lois from Charlie, that I'm having a hard time writing fdk. mad My mind is feverishly trying to work out a solution where Lois disappears, but that she and Charlie can stay together.

I'm still hopeful that Lois will remember her guardian angel and that, together with Charlie's uncharacteristic fear of her leaving, she will get off the plane in Cassablanca or Rome and try to make her way home.

Can I assume that Gaagle was a big hit and that Molly is filthy rich as predicted? If so, then she can definitely take care of Charlie. Of course, Clark's scene confirms that Lois didn't come back to Metropolis and that she's still been missing for 4 years. So what happened?

Too bad that there is a lag between the past being changed and Clark's memory changing. Otherwise he would know (from his conversations with Perry and others) that Lois Lane had a son named Charlie. Boy, that'd be a big tip-off, eh?

Hmm, the jerk ... er, I mean, Ryan is back. Can I hope that Lois (together with Charlie) will act as the bargaining chip to get Molly to work on Operation Blackout?

<sigh> I hate waiting. Is there any way we can convince you to just post the rest of the story? Today?