I am still reading and still enjoying! But I must take issue with those who characterize Seb's trust in Lois as "blind faith." It isn't blind. It's based on his knowledge and understanding of her, her history, her personality, and her character. She's asked him to trust her on the basis of their relationship.

Had this been "blind faith," Seb wouldn't know anything concrete about Lois or her character. But he trusts her because he does know her. And she's going to reward his trust in her.

And I like Seb, too. He's showing a lot of character in his actions with both Esmeralda and Chris. He wisely fled from the honey trap and opened his heart to the woman with the real attraction to him. Esmeralda wanted Seb to fill a few moments of her time. Chris wants to know if Seb can join his heart to hers. Much better choice.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing