Now all we need is for Clar and Lois to get married, and her to kick Maysons butt!
If only it were that simple ... I'd probably be finished by now.


AnkKS Good point regarding Lex. Although Mayson has a habit of underestimating people - Clark, Lois ...

Artemis The Star was a little too generous and a little too eager - there had to be more in it for them.

SJH They didn't stay long enough to need any towels! Thanks!

Ann Lois had it all worked out. She knew they needed to get Clark well - everything else would come later.

Cristina I posted two parts quickly because I knew I wouldn't have time over the weekend. Thanks, Cristina.

Michael Mayson ... uhmm. She has a few more stunts up her sleeve before she gets what is coming to her.

Thanks, Michael.

Amy I love your comment

you keep having Clark panic about all sorts of things, and Lois just says, "No, I love you, it's all fine."
That's exactly what I was hoping to convey.


DW Mayson wanted a way out of the wedding. She wanted to know for sure that the green rock would weaken Superman. Once she knew that, she had no further interest in the wedding.

