And now you have...the rest of the story. smile

Framework4, I can now comment on your feedback for part 1 without spoiling the story...You're right, had Lois been thinking clearly, she should have gone to Henderson. But she had been so thrown by Clark's state, that she had narrowed her focus for assistance to medical personnel. Fortunately, Henderson took it upon himself to intervene at his first and only opportunity to do so. So you and I were thinking along similar lines of who could best help Clark; too bad for him that Lois hadn't been with us. wink

I'll also point out that Clark's thinking must still be at least somewhat muddled at the end of the story... If it weren't, he would have realized that the crowd at EPRAD would not be representative of the general population: After all, those who feared Superman would be far less likely than others to choose to go anywhere that they knew Superman would be, and so would be underrepresented in the EPRAD crowd. But I'm not about to tell Clark that!

As always, all feedback welcomed. :-)