My thanks to the four of you for the feedback!

lovesuper97 and DW, I'm relieved to hear that my descriptions of Clark's internal (il)logic and his emotional state worked for you. I had been extremely nervous tackling this story precisely because I was uncertain of my abilities to convey characters' emotional states. My BRs could confirm that when I had been discussing the premise for the story, I mentioned that I might not even post the story once I wrote it, depending on how it turned out. I started writing thinking that it might just wind up being a writing exercise to expand my comfort zone. It was only after the story was completed and had undergone a few rounds of beta reading that I thought it was up to snuff for posting.

Framework4 and Iolanthe, I am mostly going to refrain from comment until the latter half of the story has been posted. For now I'll just say that that is an interesting idea, and you're invited to tune in tomorrow to see what role, if any, Henderson plays in this story...

Thanks again for giving this FDK junkie her fix. wink
