Iolanthe Thanks!

Artemis Mayson in Clark's bed isn't a problem if he isn't there, too!

mika Hi - it's great to hear from you.

Clark being a reporter and Lois being the footy editor is one solution that would probably work. I'm so glad you're enjoying the story. Thanks for your FDK.

2A2TV Lois and Mayson together - that's not easy to arrange. However, I will say that only one of them gets a happy ending. Thanks.

Ann One of your comments alludes to something that becomes important later. Thanks for the FDK.

Bob The scene with S and UW out in public was even shorter until the BRs suggested I expand it. Clark was pretty nervous and being the first time they'd ventured out, I think it made sense that it wasn't too long. From a story aspect, it always comes down to what to include/expand and what to leave out.

Thanks, Bob.

lovesuper97 Sometimes people get what is coming to them in unexpected ways (at least, I hope that is what is going to happen!) Thanks!

DW I had intended to post the next part on the weekend, but RL got big, so you got it Monday morning my time.

Burning the bed sheets would be easier for Clark than for most of us! I suppose he can't do it while she's still in there, can he? That wouldn't be very Supermanish.



Wonderfully evasive conversation.
Thanks. I'm glad you were able to follow along.

Or replace her with a clone
You *want* clones?

RE your comment about Lois's suit - laugh I read that just after I'd written the bit where that very possibility is discussed. Although LnC don't quite take it in the direction you're suggesting. (Not saying they weren't thinking it wink )

I read The Birthday Present and I'm pleased to see that I'm not the only one who thinks Mayson wanted to be a bit pushier with Clark!

