Originally posted by Marcus Rowland:
That's pretty much my impression of Wells - he's caused all of the problems he's trying to get Lois and Clark to solve, without his interference Tempus wouldn't be a problem, none of them would have ever travelled in time, and Utopia would be a lot safer than it is, if it ever existed outside Wells' imagination.
Actually, according to canon, Lois would have died 24 hours after consummating her marriage because of the ancient curse commissioned by Baron Tempos. And this happened without known interference of good ol' Herb. Of course, it is possible that a previous incarnation of herb caused this mess. Or maybe Herb traveled back first, caused the curse to happen, then learned about it's effects, etc. etc. etc. But the easiest explanation is, that Herb is only responsible for the stuff directly linked to Tempus's present, well, future incarnation.


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