Sorry I'm late, but better late than never, right? I liked this part but I must admit that I enjoyed some of the 'pre-relationship' parts more. It's nice to see them feeling so comfortable around each other, but there are moments when they seem too comfortable. I'm not sure I'm making sense... It might also be because part 24 was soooo over the top that this one was meant to pale in comparison wink

That said, though, I really hope you keep the waff coming.

And if I were to chose my favorite bit in this section, I'd go for the scene where they save the family in the van and this other bit:

"Other than when you've been hit by the green rock, is there anything you've not been able to budge?"

"Lois Lane," he muttered.

Her mouth flew open with laughing indignation. "Me? You asked me on a date, and I said 'yes'. You asked me to come on this trip, and I came. I have been incredibly accommodating. I probably should have kept you at arms' length for at least another month."

Clark sobered. "Do you regret that you didn't?"

Lois's smile didn't fade. "What do you think, big guy?" she said. "Do I look like a woman full of regrets?"

Smiling again, Clark shook his head. "Honestly?" he said. "You look like a woman who is supremely happy."

She placed her hands on his neck in a soft caress. "And exactly whose fault do you think that is?"

"I'm hoping it's mine," he murmured.

"Got it in one," she said. "I'm in love with you, Clark Kent."

Then she slid her arms around his neck and kissed him.
More soon. Please!!! blush
