"I mean, if you found out what my real name was, would you print it? Sure, it’s not life-threatening, not if you don’t count that I wouldn’t have a normal life any more, or that the world’s criminals would suddenly make a beeline for my friends and family."
Whoa, Clark, major slip of the tongue here!

"I’m single, I’m renting, I only have one other name and my job isn’t that any more high profile than yours.”
Tee-hee. He's sure giving her a lot of clues.

No-one should take that long visiting the little boy’s room who didn’t need serious medical attention.

Still, if she was that eager to work it out, and it really was almost blindingly obvious that Clark was Superman...
But not in a universe where everyone has Facial Recognition Deficiency Syndrome. wink Maybe she'll pick it up from all the other hints he's dropping.

She wouldn’t feel like she knew Superman until she knew, well, probably not quite as much as she knew about Clark. She knew Clark better than she knew anyone.
Well, in the end, then, Lois, it'll work out fine.

An enjoyable fic. I like how you end it with Lois not knowing. She *says* that she wants to let it go, but we know Lois is incapable of doing that. She's going to ponder on who is Superman, and gnaw at it, until she figures it out. Then she'll kick herself for missing it.