Hi Corrina,

I’m not sure if it was this part or the previous, but somewhere over the last two parts, I’ve gotten hooked on this story.

The explanation of how the Hawthorn family became Lois’s family was great. It provides a great deal of insight into Lois’s character and explains a lot about why she is the person that she is.

I was taken completely by surprise that she was born in Detroit. Is she estranged from her family or are they simply not important in her life? I also have to wonder if she kept her US citizenship or is she a citizen of Australia.

The loose ends were great if frustrating.

Was there more hidden meaning in the look that passed between Lois and Ron?
Clark extended his hand, and it was firmly taken in Ron's larger one. "Pleased to meet you, Ron," Clark said.

The words were barely out of his mouth when Ron looked down at Lois with a mischievous wink. She grinned - clearly understanding whatever had passed between them.
And what was this about?
Clark saw two men walk into the room, stop abruptly, and immediately turn and scuttle away. Without thinking too much, he turned on his super-hearing.

"That's Lois Lane," one of the men hissed.

"Why is she here? Do you think she knows something?"

"All she needs to know is that the merger will strengthen our position."
And of course I want to know her answer to the Scardino question!!

And I want to see how Clark does in footy. smile1

Corrina, as has happened before, I am in awe at your skill in crafting a complex and compelling story.
