Mmm. Waffiness.

I think Clark should pick out a specific journalist in Metropolis who isn't named Mayson Drake and give an in-depth interview to refute the base propaganda Mayson slipped past Perry. And maybe he should offer to buy lunch for Jason Trask at one of Metropolis' finest restaurants. Perhaps his good manners and good taste would discredit Trask's accusations. (I have no hope that such an engagement would actually change Trask's mind about "the alien.")

I liked Lois' fire and determination in condemning Mayson's scurrilous attack on Superman. Clark is right that Perry would never allow such hateful drivel to be published if he were completely healthy, and I'm glad that Lois was hesitant to slam it but did so without reservation once she was sure Clark really wanted to hear what she thought.

I'm on tenterhooks waiting to see when Clark asks Lois about her feelings for him, or, failing that, confesses his feelings for her. As mixed up as he is right now, that will throw her into a tizzy.

And I really like the line about Trask having the roos loose in his top paddock! I'm going to remember that one!

More soon, please?

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing