I didn't want to write this story. I really didn't. I don't like deathfics. I don't even read them. But this story insisted on being written...It was haunting me and letting me know in no uncertain terms that if I didn't get it down "on paper," it wouldn't leave me alone. I'm hoping that now that it is posted, it will go away and make room in my mind for happier stories, which are much more to my liking.

Although I didn't like this scene that kept playing in my head, I did recognize that it was an incredibly powerful one. I only hope that I was successful in translating the image I kept seeing into words.

I again want to thank all of my BRs for their many suggestions which improved the story. Every single BR made it better in some way. I'm beginning to think that it takes a village to write a story! But I especially wish to thank:

- DocJill for providing me with much-needed medical information
- Corrina for the idea to compare Clark's pain at his marriage proposal being rejected to that which he was currently feeling.
- Sue S. for the ideas to include the roses and to make the story take place on their anniversary. I think that her suggestions made the story much more poignant.

As always, feedback welcomed.
