Terry Re your story - I'm wondering if the commentator was either Australian and used to Rugby League, or was in fact from England and used to soccer. Crowds at Australian Rules football are not perfect, but I see very, very few incidents and I've been to at least 100 games in the past seven years. Generally, the game finishes and people get up and go home as you described.

And I like the way Clark's footy education is an integral part of the story and not just forced in. The more he knows about footy, the better he knows Lois.
Thank you! My biggest concern with this fic was that FoLCs would lose interest because of the football.


Too late.

Thanks for your FDK, Lynn.


This is a great fic, and so refreshingly different! I love your ability to portray Lois and Clark in an amazingly fresh light!
I really appreciate your comment, Ann, because my other concern with this fic was that Lois and Clark (particularly Lois) might seem too different from canon. It's such a balancing act - trying to portray a relationship in a new way without changing the characters so much they are almost unrecognisable.

I'm so glad you can still see Lois and Clark despite all the other differences.

Grace Thanks for reading despite sport not being hugely interesting for you.

The Flying Doormat - think bald on top, long shaggy hair from the sides and a bushy beard. I can provide a pic if you'd like ... or I can leave you to your imagination.

Iolanthe wink

Sarah Thanks, Sarah. They will talk, I promise, but if they talk too quickly, the story finishes early.

DW The WAFF ... I enjoy writing it and it's a major component of this fic. I'm glad you're enjoying it too.


SJH Uhmm, you could be right ... about a lot of things! (And some good points, BTW.)Thanks for the FDK.

Lynn So far no further explanations in the fic.

The Galloping Gasometer - Mick Nolan was ... round ... for a footballer. A huge gas cylinder is also round. wink

'Lethal' Leigh Matthews - it alliterates and if Matthews hit you, it was likely to be lethal.

Kevin Bartlett - had the reputation of always having a shot for goal rather than passing to a teammate in a better position - ie Hungry (for a goal). He now hosts a radio show called 'Hungry for Sport'.

Thanks, Lynn.


Wow, I did not expect Lois to be this much bothered by Clark.
You underestimated the charm of Clark Kent, Michael!

I'm not going to answer most of your questions - not here, anyway.

But ... Clark definitely called her 'honey'. wink

Thanks, Michael.
