Queen of Aces

Historically Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia and Tasmania played Aussie Rules.

New South Wales and Queensland played Rugby League.

However, it was/is Victoria (Melbourne) where Aussie Rules was/is most popular.

Mayson - good description.

Yikes! Keep her away from Clark!!!
I did!! I took him all the way to Melbourne to get him away from her!

Stranded together - stranded? Not really. Together? Definitely.


Sarah Mayson - I see her as an extreme form of Lois - so determined to get the story, she is willing to completely abandon her ethics when necessary. Also her suspicious mind extends to Superman, which Lois's never did.

Clark will talk to Lois about Rubber in Part 5.

Thanks, Sarah.

Ann Your explanation for Rubber is more creative than mine! Lynn's are too!

Gaaahh! Clark, you sure needed to get away from Metropolis if you found yourself in such bad company there!
Metropolis without Lois Lane ... no wonder Clark was willing to leave for three months.

Yeeech! Clark Kent as a fugitive, hiding behind his third identity!
I didn't mean to imply another identity - just that he felt he needed to go somewhere for a completely new start.

All that blue in the pic of the soccer fans!

I thought people from Sweden loved tennis as a sport too. They certainly do well at it.

It's strange that people can feel so much for a team, or maybe it isn't strange at all.
Thank you for that comment. One of my concerns in this fic is the difficulty in portraying the depth and intensity of love for a football team. I mean, if I write that Clark Kent walks into a room, meets Lois Lane, and immediately falls in love with her, no one in FoLCdom is going to question that. If I write that Lois Lane makes certain big decisions based on her love for an Australian football club, that is going to be harder to sell. Your comment makes me hopeful that it is coming across OK. Thanks.

Seme It's always great when a reader wants more. Thanks.

Artemis Yes, since 1987, there's been a WA team in the AFL. The flight takes about five hours.

Thanks for the comments re Mayson. With so much non-LnC (football), I tried to bring in canon characters, even if I've changed their roles a little.

Australians call rain boots 'gum boots'! Your comment is not completely off track.

Lynn Thanks, Lynn. I like both of your explanations. Alas, mine is a lot simpler.

Great description of Clark's relationship with his parents.

DW Explanation for Rubber coming in part 5.



And how can someone order a club to relocate?
If you have no money and have to rely on the AFL (administrators) to pay your debts, they can tell you to do anything. Of course they can sugar-coat it with concessions and freebies so it looks like a win-win deal.

Thanks, Michael.

I've put a list of AFL clubs in the TOC folder. You can refer there if/when you find that helpful.

Thanks everyone. Part 5 is big. I've tried to find somewhere to put in a chapter break, but there isn't anywhere suitable. There is a small chance you will get it Friday night. Most likely scenario is Sunday night.
