I have changed the posting schedule to be on a daily basis, partly due to reader request and partly because the parts look a lot shorter on the MB than they do in my Word document.

I had fun taking up Watson's pen. My first fandom was that of the original Star Trek; my second one was Sherlock Holmes. (I'm still trying to come up with a ST/LnC crossover. No viable ideas for one have developed yet. BTW, Does anyone know whether such a crossover has already been done? If so I would love to read it!) I am enjoying combining my second fandom with this, my fourth and most recent one. (The third was Forever Knight, in case anyone's curious. I've already written a short FK/LnC crossover.)

For the purposes of my story, I moved up the publication dates of The Time Machine and The Lost World. Their actual publications dates were 1895 and 1912 respectively. The former change was needed for my plot, and the latter for the in-joke which I could not resist including.

Again, feedback welcome.
